Summer School 2017
Genomic selection and Breeding without Breeding strategy
The summer school focused on Genomic selection in trees (senior lecturer Jaroslav Klapste) and Breeding without Breeding strategy (senior lecturer Milan Lstiburek) will be held in Prague, Czech Republic from 11.9. to 15.9. 2017.
Profiles and publications of senior lecturers on Research gate:
Jaroslav Klapste -
Milan Lstiburek -
The genomic selection models will be trained in R statistical package "breedR" which is software directly focus on genetic analysis in forest tree breeding. The package is freely available without the need of purchasing any license. Alternatively, the generalised ridge regression implemented in "bigRR" package will be tested to perform genetic marker prioritisation.
A variety of scenarios will be performed and trained:
1) marker-based relationship matrix will be constructed using different algorithms and tested their efficiencies in prediction models.
2) the additive and non-additive relationship matrices will be constructed and tested to dissect genetic variance components and explore the genetic architecture of different traits.
3) multi-trait models will be performed to explore advantage of genomic information on the precision of genetic parameter estimates and increase in accuracy of genomic breeding values.
4) multi-environment evaluation will be performed to explore effect of genotype x environment interaction (GxE) on prediction accuracy
5) the combination of pedigree and marker information to perform single-step genetic evaluation when the large population is measured for attributes of interest but the only subset of the sample is genotyped.
And then of course tools for seed orchard design and Breeding without Breeding strategy...
Evoltree Summer School in Prague
The Czech University of Life Sciences Prague in cooperation with Evoltree has the honor to invite You to summer school about genomic selection and breeding without breeding strategy that will take place at Prague from 11.9. until 15.9.2017. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information about summer school.